Hello , i so long bo post due to modem spoilt.
But soon can use liao cuz my sis take to go and repair :D
Now currently at ruishan house using her laptop.
& btw, exams finish liao (:
Haha, findin jobs now. Anyone intro??
If got first tell me hor! >:D
Last sat when to plaza sing, actually is go out for girlguides outing then we plan to go and see
LEE MIN HO then he never come! We when to find him, cuz we think he got come just tht dont dare to come up nia. cuz too many ppl liao le.As we saw some securitys and reporters going into the back staircase, then we followed them.
Got 2 staircase must so we spilt into 2 group lor.
1st group got (Ruishan,Serene,Wenting,Engteng) then 2nd group (Charlene,Xinhong,Yiting and Me Shiru )
HAHAHA! 2nd group actually found the bus and car tht the reporters are inside and lee min ho!
But too bad, thr too smelly... Cuz erm got a BIG rubbish bin thr.
Then we their car go liao then we go and chase the car but heard someone shouting at us then we run away liao.
Sad, he actually didn't turn up. So dissapointed...
Haha, sua anyway also nvr like him until siao.
End liao,